Cougar Families, School Picture Day is on September 24th. Please view this document to understand the process of ordering pictures this year! >
Volleyball: Reminder Volleyball starts for Central tomorrow! 2:40 - 4. Please be ready!
Red Ticket Friday: Wear red today and receive a red ticket for our monthly assembly prize drawing! (Or LG Blue in support of Tiger Athletics)! No red or blue? Students also receive tickets for knowing a Kelso’s Choice and for working on this month’s Cougar Quality of safety.
Dear La Grande School District Families,
We are excited that another season of Tiger football at Community Stadium is upon us. We encourage all of our families to support our athletic events and our incredible athletes.
Please be advised that school district administration will be monitoring the front entrance of Community Stadium and ask that you adhere to the following expectations while enjoying our games.
- No elementary or middle school students will be admitted into the football game without an adult.
- No backpacks will be allowed into the stadium.
- All patrons will be asked to watch the game in the stands.
- No horseplay in the grass area behind the bleachers or in the east side of the stadium.
- Students serving a suspension will not be allowed entrance to the stadium.
We want all of our families to enjoy their time at our events and ask that you help monitor your children so we can continue to provide safe and enjoyable events for our community.
Please refrain from parking in designated handicap spots unless you have a valid Oregon Disabled Permit, even for brief stops to drop off your student. We've had several instances where these spots were unavailable to those who truly need them. Thank you for your cooperation!!
Please read this letter about our air conditioning issues at Central Elementary>
Reminder today is practice for Solekids because we did not have school Monday. All students who have registered head down to the bathrooms by the gym where a coach will direct you where to go!
LHS Tiger Booster Super Fan Parking Online Auction ends TODAY at NOON!! Participate in the auction to have a reserved parking space for Football & Soccer games at Community Stadium or at LHS for all home Volleyball games!!
Dear SoleKids Families, today is the first practice for Solekids. All students who have registered will head down to the bathrooms by the gym where a coach will direct them where to go! SoleKids coaches are so excited to have students participate.
LHS Tiger Booster Super Fan Parking Online Auction begins TODAY at 6 PM!! Participate in the auction to have a reserved parking space for Football & Soccer games at Community Stadium or at LHS for all home Volleyball games!!
Dear SoleKids Families, Thursday, August 29th is the first practice for Solekids. All students who have registered will head down to the bathrooms by the gym where a coach will direct them where to go! SoleKids coaches are so excited to have your students participate.
Hey Cougar Family, please watch this pick-up and drop-off explanation for a smooth transition on Monday! Thanks! >
Hey Cougar Family, please show your student(s) this welcome back video. We were so excited to see all the smiles at Central this evening! Thank you for a wonderful Meet the Teacher Event! Cougars Roll! See you on Monday! >
Cougar Family! A couple of reminders from the parent letter: Tomorrow August 23rd at 9:00 am class lists will be posted in the office window, and we have our “Meet the Teacher” event from 3:30-4:30 pm. We are very excited for school to start on Monday! Parent letter >
Cougar Family! We are so excited to kick off school this year. Please view the 2024-25 parent letter, and connected student/parent handbook. >
Kindercamp: please check this link for information on Kindercamp. This is a new schedule for the start of the year for our new Kinder Cougars!
Cougar Family! Central is here at the District Office (1305 N Willow St in La Grande). We are excited to register new families/students and for the community to enjoy the Resource Fair! We will be here from 8 am - 6 pm! Cougars Roll!
The La Grande School District Registration and Resource Fair will be held at Willow Elementary/District Office on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 from 8 AM to 6 PM.
The Resource Fair is for all La Grande School District K-12 students and families. School Registration if for K-8 students only, Grade 9-12 students need to register at the High School.
For more information, please contact Scott Carpenter at or 541-663-3203
As summer comes to an end, we would like to recognize one of our amazing summer Programs, La Grande School District Summer Food Service Program.
Thank you to all our staff and volunteers, you created an unforgettable experience for participants.
Cougar Family, the La Grande School District Registration and Resource Fair will be held at Willow Elementary/District Office on Tuesday, August 6, from 8 AM to 6 PM. New families with unregistered students and anyone interested in the Resource Fair should attend! Families with newly registered and previously enrolled students do not need to attend for registration purposes but are welcome to come to the Resource Fair.