"Kindergarten is such an essential point in a child's social, emotional, and cognitive development. Certainly, our teachers focus on exposing students to foundational literacy and numeracy skills, but above all else we want students to feel excited about learning, to interact with other children, and to understand how to participate as a part of a school community." - Ryan Westenskow, Principal, Greenwood Elementary

See what positions are available at https://www.lagrandesd.org/page/employment-opportunities. Cook, custodian, paraeducator and more . . .

The CDC's new guidance will not impact schools this school year. All individuals on our schools campuses must mask and physically distance.
Yesterday, Governor Brown addressed how the new guidance will be implemented in Oregon and stated, "Nothing is changing for schools this school year, and I expect education staff and students to continue to wear masks and physically distance, as outlined in our Ready Schools, Safe Learners guidance."
Thank you for your cooperation.

La Grande School District Town Hall Meeting - April 1, 2021
View on LGSD.TV or La Grande School District Facebook

District Announces Hiring of New Central School Assistant Principal
LA GRANDE - La Grande School District is pleased to announce, effective July 1, 2021, Jennifer Meléndez will become the new assistant principal at Central Elementary school, filling a vacancy created by current Assistant Principal Monica West replacing retiring Principal Suzy Mayes.
Meléndez is currently dean of students at Elmhurst Elementary in Tacoma, Washington. Prior to her current position, Meléndez served as an elementary teacher for seven years, was a district elementary instructional coach, an English language development teacher and coach and a summer program administrator. She will complete her educational specialist degree in educational leadership in May.
Superintendent George Mendoza commented, “ I am pleased to welcome Jennifer to Central Elementary and our LGSD team. One of our goals is to provide a safe and nurturing educational environment that challenges our students to reach beyond their own expectations and to become engaged lifelong learners who strive to make the world and La Grande a better place. I look forward to Jennifer helping us support these goals!”

LGSD Virtual Town Hall
Tonight at 6:00 pm
Join via LGSD.TV or La Grande School District Facebook

Tonight! Connect via La Grande School District's Facebook page or via LGSD.tv.

Please join us for our virtual town hall via LGSD.tv or our La Grande School District Facebook page. Questions may be submitted to reopening@lagrandesd.org by the morning of January 21. We will look for common themes in questions and answer those at the town hall.

Eastern Oregon Head Start is Now Enrolling!

School is back in session on Monday, January 4th with all grades in Comprehensive Distance Learning.
Grades K-6 will be on-site, starting January 11th.
We have the potential to have grades 7-12 on-site on January 27.

January 4-8 - ALL Students in Comprehensive Distance Learning
January 11 - Grades K-6 back On-Site!
January 27 - Grades 7-12 MAY return to On-Site Learning.

LGSD will remain in Comprehensive Distance Learning with restricted Limited In-Person Instruction as we enter into our Winter Break period.
Current data for Union County for (11/22/20 - 12/5/2020):
Absolute case count: 156
Positivity Rate: 12.9%

Central Families,
Just a reminder that Friday, December 4 is a non-school day for students due to Professional Development for our teachers. There will also be no breakfast and lunch pickup on Friday.

We will be closed November 23-27 for the Thanksgiving holiday. We will reopen on Monday, November 30. Have a safe holiday week.

The La Grande School District is serving free to-go lunch and breakfast for all children from 0-18 years of age from 11:30 am-12:45 pm. Meals are served Monday-Friday on regular school days at Central Elementary. There will be no food service the week of November 23-27 during Thanksgiving break.

Wednesday, November 18 is Material Distribution Day at Central. Materials will be available for pickup from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm tomorrow.

As colder weather approaches, LGSD will use the following methods to communicate school closures or delays:
Phone - monitor your for a call or text
La Grande School District Website - updates will be posted to the District website
Facebook/Twitter - updates posted to District social media
La Grande SD - the new App on Thrillshare
Radio Announcements
Please visit the following link for more information:

Dear Central Families,
By now you have probably heard that K - 3 will be transitioning back to our CDL model due to the increase of COVID numbers in our schools and community.
This is a disappointment for us all but we know it is necessary for your safety. I will share metric data with you shortly. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience this will have on our families.
Schools and teachers will communicate with students and families this week regarding transition of learning materials during our CDL instruction model.
Today and tomorrow, our team will be preparing for the transition to CDL, which will begin on November 16th.
Supplies, packets, and devices will be sent home on Friday, November 13th.
We will continue to provide Material Distribution on Wednesdays, from 9am to 3pm in our school foyer. 3pm to 6pm will be self-serve in foyer, but we will have a staff member present to support you.
CDL Schedule will be 8 to 12 on Mon., Tues, Thurs, and Friday.
I will be sending a text message with links for important information today and tomorrow.
We appreciate our students, staff, and families so much. Everyone has been extremely supportive, flexible, and has put forth tons of effort to make learning possible.
If you have any questions, please call us at 541.663.3501.

LGSD K-3 will Transition to Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) starting November 16th due to current Metric Indicators and Local Data.
Please visit the following for more information: https://www.lagrandesd.org/article/345786

La Grande School District Town Hall Meeting - starts at 6:30 p.m.
View on lgsd.tv or La Grande School District Facebook.